書籍總覽/500 Collocations You Need to Know


500 Collocations You Need to Know


剩餘庫存: 47

  • Author :  Holly Chung & Rebecca Ong
    Publisher : Hung Fung Book Co., Ltd.
    Paperback : 342 Pages
    Language : English
    Dimension : 142mm × 210mm
    Revision : 1st edition
    Publish Date : Sep 2011



    A collocation is two or more words that are often used together in the English language. They sound correct and intuitive to any native English speaker.

    The 500 examples will help you learn their usage, and be able to express yourself more naturally in English and be more easily understood.

    Features of the book

    Level of difficulty: All questions are graded in difficulty and categorized into intermediate and advanced levels.

    Systematic categorization: The whole book is divided into 5 sections: Noun, Verb, Preposition, Adjectives and Adverbs.

    Contextualized examples: In Part A, the collocation item is introduced in context in a sample sentence presented in a format of multiple-choice question.

    Further examples: Further Examples given in the answer key enable students to evaluate their performance and reinforce their learning when checking their answers against the answer keys.

    Extended Part for reinforcement: The extended Part B (for each section) is an instant follow-up exercise giving students further practice and challenge on newly learnt items.

    A variety of exercise: Extended Part B provide students with practice in various types of tasks that they may come across in the examination. This variety help students evaluate their learning progress by applying what they have learnt. These tasks include: matching, proofreading, filling blanks, completing sentences, matching phrases with pictures, etc.

    Glossary: An easy and quick reference of all collocation items with Chinese translation.


    1. Noun Collocation

    2. Verb Collocation

    3. Preposition Collocation

    4. Adjective Collocation

    5. Adverb Collocation


    Ms. Holly Chung holds a Bachelor of Arts (English & Translation, Special & First Class Honours) and Master of Philosophy with an research interest in the relationship between language and gender, together with a Postgraduate Diploma of Education. Having extensive experiences in teaching English to local students of all ages and in both secondary and tertiary levels, Ms. Chung has also engaged in reference book writing in the areas of creative writing. Ms. Chung is currently a lecturer of Department of English in Hang Seng School of Commerce / Hang Seng Management College.

    Ms. Rebecca Ong is currently a lecturer at the Department of English in Hang Seng School of Commerce / Hang Seng Management College. She is a university honour graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English as a second language, and Master in Management. She has over 10 years of professional teaching experience, focusing on both secondary and tertiary level students in Hong Kong. She has also worked extensively as a public examination assessor for English writing and oral papers, as well as institutional recruitment examinations. Ms. Ong realizes the joy and pain of learning and teaching English and would like to share the considerable experience gained from those intellectually demanding lessons over the years through this book.