書籍總覽/Basic Principles in Biology for HKDSEE Book 1 (2nd Edition)


Basic Principles in Biology for HKDSEE Book 1 (2nd Edition)


剩餘庫存: 1007

  • Author : Y. K. To
    Publisher : Hung Fung Book Co., Ltd.
    Paperback : 390 Pages
    Language : English (中文生字翻譯)
    Dimension : 190mm × 260mm
    Revision : 3rd Published
    Published Date: Oct 2024



    This book aims to meet the latest requirements of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) Biology Curriculum and Assessment Guide and the changes in emphasis in the examination.

    The content of the curriculum consists of two parts, Compulsory and Electives. The compulsory part lays down a solid foundation of knowledge in Biology for students to fields related with Biology. The elective part widens the scope of knowledge and enables students to have choices of topics interested to them. This book covers all the Biology Section 1 of the Combined Science (C.S.). Topics that are not included in the C.S. will be marked with a sign Further information with advanced concepts is framed by solid lines for the more challenging students.

    As in last edition this book is printed in double colours to increase the interest of reading the text and to draw attention to the important terms.

    The inclusion of key words to study and misconceptions reinforces learning of the key words and clarifies the correct concepts of certain biological principles. The concept map helps students build up strong links between the different concepts included in the chapter concerned. This enables students to relate the different ideas in a more integrated way to get a whole picture of the topics.



    Chapter 1 Studying Biology (研究生物學)

    Chapter 2 Molecules of Life (生命分子)

    Chapter 3 Cellular Organization (細胞組織)

    Chapter 4 Movement of Substances Across Membrane (物質穿越細胞膜的活動)

    Chapter 5 Cell Cycle and Division (細胞週期和分裂)

    Chapter 6 Cellular Energetics (I) (細胞的能量傳遞 I) – Metabolism and Enzymes (代謝作用與酶)

    Chapter 7 Cellular Energetics (II) (細胞的能量傳遞 II) – Photosynthesis (光合作用)

    Chapter 8 Cellular Energetics (III) (細胞的能量傳遞 III) – Respiration (呼吸作用)